Rulerwork quilting idea book

Rulerwork quilting idea book
Rulerwork quilting idea book
Boek van Amanda Murphy met meer dan 59 free motion designs voor de long arm en huishoud naaimachine

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€ 28,50

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59 Outline Designs to Fill with Free-Motion Quilting, Tips for Longarm and Domestic Machines. Quilting rulers have long been used by longarm quilters to make uniform shapes, but now, with the advent of the domestic ruler foot, domestic quilters can join in on the fun, too! Amanda starts with how to use 6 basic shapes of machine quilting ruler to lay a foundation for your quilting, then moves on to executing 59 different designs. Finish up by following Amanda's suggestions for filling in background space with free-motion quilting. Author: Amanda Murphy. Softcover, 192 pages.

Merk Amanda Murphy
Artikelcode 11269


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